A Restored Pratt Street
Through improved and restored retail storefronts, renovated residential spaces, and curated programming, Pratt St is being rediscovered.
Amid a trend of companies downsizing office space, Hartford’s largest landlord is announcing significant perks for new and renewing tenants.
Shelbourne Global announced this week offers of up to two months free rent in one of seven downtown apartment buildings – among other perks – for each 5,000 square feet leased in one of four Class A downtown office buildings. The office lease commitments must run for at least three years.
The incentive program also promises use of a suite at Hartford Yard Goats games, as well as exclusive access to Pratt Street cultural events, live performances at the Bushnell and free tickets packages to XL Center sporting events for employees of the new and renewing leaseholders.
Shelbourne is billing the new offer as redefining live, work and play in Hartford.
“We are constantly seeking new ways to promote Hartford and show people why it is a great city to live, work and play in,” Shelbourne Chief Operating Officer Michael Seidenfeld said. “Our latest initiative takes advantage of our Class A office buildings and residential development projects that are nearing completion by cross-leveraging our assets in the city to bring greater value to new and returning tenants.”
The leases must be in select office towers, including the Gold Building, 20 Church St., the Metro Center or 100 Pearl St. Shelbourne owns all four of those properties.
Those office leases unlock free rent in apartments at 196 Trumbull St., 99 Pratt St., the Millennium building, Spectra Park, Spectra Pearl, Spectra Plaza and the Sage Allen Apartments.
“We are excited by the opportunity to be a part of attracting and retaining tenants in downtown Hartford,” Lexington Partners President Chris Reilly said.
The offer is subject to availability and expires at the end of the calendar year.
Read original article here.
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